
People sitting around a speaker

You can start a School of Ministry in your church!

Contact us for more information about hosting a School of Ministry in your church.

Church-based Leadership Training

The Missio Global School of Ministry (MGSOM) is a partnership between Missio Global and churches around the world. The MGSOM  is a valuable and effective training program that is based in the local church. It is a proven tool that churches can use to equip their congregation and develop emerging leaders.

The sponsor local church is the laboratory where the students serve and complete ministry projects. In this setting, the students learn from the experience and wisdom of their church leaders. The goal of MGSOM is to create a fruitful learning community in the local church that will develop future leaders and ultimately plant new churches.

Brazil Project
People sitting around a speaker

Unique Aspects of the MGSOM

  • MGSOM enables local church leadership to equip and mentor developing leaders in their church in the same way that Jesus trained his twelve disciples.
  • The classes are taught by the local church leadership. It is not video-based training.
  • MGSOM is a school of ministry, not just a Bible course. The host church is the laboratory where students serve and complete ministry projects under the supervision of the local church leadership.
  • The curriculum provides a very thorough and balanced training experience by focusing on three domains of learning – what we call knowing, doing, and being.
  • Because MGSOM is church-based and utilizes the resources of the local church, including the pastor and leaders, it facilitates the growth and spiritual maturing of the host church at a minimal cost.
  • Students will be prepared to lead local church ministries, to participate in international missions, and even to plant new churches.

How Does It Work?

Missio Global School of Ministry is a one or three-year program designed to prepare students for the ministry to which God has called them. It is designed to fit into the busy schedule of a local church. Here is how it works:

  • There are 36 modules (subjects) in the three-year curriculum, with 12 modules being completed each year.
  • Classes meet once a week for a minimum of 2 1/2 hours.
  • Each year consists of four quarters with ten classes, with each quarter including three modules. Therefore, the MGSOM requires 40 classes per year, typically one night per week, for a total of 40 weeks per year. (Some schools have two classes during one week of the quarter to complete the quarter in nine weeks for a total of 36 weeks per year.)
  • The curriculum is uniquely based on three domains of ministry training: Bible knowledge (knowing), ministry skills (doing) and personal spiritual formation (being). In general, each quarter contains one class module from each of these three learning domains.

Curriculum Modules

Basic - Year One

Quarter 1

A. Understanding the Old Testament

B. Personal Evangelism

C. Who I Am in Christ

Quarter 2

A. Understanding the New Testament

B. Discipleship and Mentoring

C. Life in the Spirit

Quarter 3

A. Basic Bible Doctrine

B. Leading Small Groups

C. Hearing the Voice of God

Quarter 4

A. World Religions and Cults

B. Financial Freedom

C. Spiritual Gifts and More

Intermediate - Year Two

Quarter 5

A. Old Testament Survey I

B. Bible Exegesis & Hermeneutics

C. Marriage and Family

Quarter 6

A. Old Testament Survey II

B. Preparing a Biblical Message

C. Ministering Supernaturally

Quarter 7

A. New Testament Survey I

B. Delivering a Biblical Message

C. Character Qualities of a Leader

Quarter 8

A. New Testament Survey II

B. Pastoral Ministry

C. Christian Counseling 

Advanced - Year Three

Quarter 9

A. Theology I: The Revelation of God

B. The Process of Leadership Development

C. Conflict Resolution

Quarter 10

A. Theology II: Sinful and Sinless Man

B. Principles of Effective Leadership

C. Spiritual Warfare

Quarter 11

A. Theology III:  Life in Christ

B. Leadership Multiplication

C. Initiating a New Church or Ministry

Quarter 12

A. Theology IV: The Last Days

B. Ministry Growth Strategies and Administration

C. World Missions and Culture

Contact us if you would like more information about hosting a School of Ministry in your church.

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"Using Missio Global’s curriculum in our School of Ministry has made the weekly preparation process for our teachers very doable with our already busy schedules. Without reservation, I recommend this partnership to any pastor who wants to take their people and church to another level."
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Jim and Kelly Tuttle
Pastors, Faith Chapel, Syracuse, NY, US
“I thought the School of Ministry at my church was just going to be for my own personal growth and had no clue it was for learning ministry and to push me forward. The students developed a mindset to pursue whatever avenue God has for us, to be a support to our senior pastors, and to help take the church to where God wants it to go.”
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Niki Goodrich
2020 School of Ministry Graduate
“Missio Global School of Ministry is just what we were looking for in leadership training. It has transformed our local church and is the vehicle that is enabling us to prepare leaders who will initiate new ministries and plant new churches in this least reached area of Brazil.”
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Júlio César Almeida
Founding Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Garanhuns, Brazil